Let us tell you how you can be rescued, saved from living a life void of the TRUTH.

Our hope is that you understand who Jesus Christ is, understanding the Gospel (The good news) knowing the reality that the evil that has happened in humanity is not a moral matter, but a matter of the heart. It is not a matter of doing good to be better or being bad for doing evil. It is a matter of hearts that will always be restless until they come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.

The Bible tells us the TRUTH that you and I, and all, because of sin in the world and because our hearts are sinful, desire more the creation than to the Creator (Romans chapter 1), that we think ourselves more intelligent than God in our Actions and finally, we do not recognize God acknowledging that all things belongs to Him.

And being separated from God, God does not abandon us to our sins, but saves us (or opens a way to salvation for us) in Jesus Christ. So Christ comes and lives a perfectly righteous life and fulfills, according to the Bible, the righteousness of the law. He is perfect in what we are imperfect.

Jesus Christ died on the cross, and on the cross absorbed all the wrath of God for those of us who will believe and put their faith in Him.

These two things are absolutely necessary for you to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • First: The death of Christ, absorbs the wrath of God toward you as a sinner
  • Second: The righteous life of Christ is given to you
  • And as evidence of these two things, in the resurrection of Christ, we see that the bill has been paid in full.

     Briefly, coming to be a believer in Jesus Christ is really joining the great story of the universe: God reconciling and redeeming all things to himself.

    if you are reading this right now and you have all these reasons why you could not be a believer, and you could not follow Christ because of this and that other thing in your past and the struggles you have today – let me say that The gospel message triumphs over the way you are thinking right now, because the gospel says that Christ was perfect, and that you are not perfect. The cross of Christ and the life of Christ are a biblical confirmation that you fall short, yet God makes a way.

    Therefore, it is our hope, our passion, and indeed our prayer that you understand these things of such a level that it will lead you to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

    An Impossible Request Made Possible: Believe on Jesus
    It requires faith that is provided by God Himself. To believe you will and must cry out to God asking Him to do what only He can do, Save you.

    because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    Rom 10:9
    He requires from you something you can by no means do by yourself. You will need to CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD TO BE SAVED.

    So do it here and now…
    Call Upon Him! Acknowledge Him as your only and sufficient Savior, turning away from yourself and your sinfulness, and He will save you.